15th School on the Physics and Chemistry of the Actinides
16 – 17 March 2025
The 15th School on the Chemistry and Physics of the Actinides is a unique opportunity for students and young researchers to gain knowledge from expert lectures in various areas of actinide science. This edition will be held at the EPN campus in Grenoble, France, and will include a tour of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) with several beamline visits.
List of lecturers:
Roberto Caciuffo (INFN)
Jean Pascal Brison (UGA/CEA)
Stephane Raymond (CEA/ILL)
Fabrice Wilhelm (ESRF)
Lucia Amidani (HZDR)
Nicolas Dacheux (CEA)
Jacques Ollivier (ILL)
Olivier Serot (CEA)
Itzhak Halevy (BGU)
Vallerie Vallet (Univ. Lille)
Moritz Schmidt (HZDR)
Claire Corkhill (Univ. Bristol)
Gaston Garbarino (ESRF)
Daniel Chaney (ESRF)
Andrea Cherkouk (HZDR)
Kasper Pedersen (DTU)
The SPCA will be held at the EPN campus in Grenoble, France

EPN Campus
71 Avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble
Travel to EPN campus
For details on travel to the EPN campus, please click the link below for the relevant page of the EPN campus website
Accommodation on the EPN campus
For details on accommodation at the EPN campus, please click the link below for the relevant page of the EPN campus website. Accommodation will be included with registration to the SPCA for non-local attendees.